Our services

Admission Guidance & Career Counseling

Good-ness Education group are the pioneers in providing admission for students for various courses in India and abroad. We are into the field of assisting students for last 14 years. During these years we have provided admissions to thousands of students for various courses of their choice in India and foreign countries. Such a vast experience makes us to guide students to choose the best course according to their interest and choice. We provide admissions for all kind of courses.

Career Counseling is a process that helps the students to know and understand themselves and the world of work in order to make their own career. Career development is more than just deciding on a major and what job a student wants to get when they finish their education. Our counselor helps you to figure out who you are and what you want out of your education, your career, and your life. They are someone for you to talk to about your thoughts, ideas, feelings, and concerns about your career and educational choices, which will help you sort out, organize, and make sense of your thoughts and feelings. They help you identify the factors influencing your career development, and help you assess your interests, abilities, values and to determine next steps and develop a plan to achieve your goals.

Neither a student alone nor parent/parents or a guardian alone is/are entertained by Good-ness Education Group for the counseling session. Both the student and parent/parents or guardian are allowed to attend the counseling session. Good-ness Education group has a team of very good counselors who listen carefully to the interest of the student and advice them the best course which they need to study for their bright future. During the counseling session, our counselor mentions about the different kind of courses, different universities where they can study and also about the countries where they can study the course of their choice. Our expert counselors are geared with years of practice. Hence they provide complete guidance for the students.

Selecting a Course

Course selection is a very important aspect in a student's life as it is the main factor which builds his career. You should have an idea before selecting any course. It depends upon your field of interest. While selecting a course for your career, you should have a deep knowledge about it as it is going to make your future, as mentioned earlier. Here you should never listen to what others say as their choice would be entirely different from what your interest is. Good-ness Education group helps students to choose the course in which they have the interest. We analyze the talent of the student and offer them the course according to the field in which they have the talent.

Selecting a Country

Selecting a country is also an important factor for the career buildup of a student. It is very important to choose a course, because the student needs to be sent to the country where he/she interested, else they won’t be able to concentrate fully on to the education part. Also it will take time for them to adjust with the surrounding and the culture of the country. Good-ness Education group helps students to choose the country of their interest as we mention the geographical conditions and the culture of every country.

Selecting a University

Selecting a university is a very crucial point as it would be counted after the completion of a course, when the student seeks for a job. Good-ness Education Group has tie up with the top universities in the places wherever we provide the admission, which is in India and abroad. During the counseling session Good-ness Education Group mentions about each and every university available in the country, where the student selects to study. Our counselor makes every student understand the importance of every university and let the student and parent to come to the right choice in the selection of a university.

Admission in the selected University

Now as the student selects a particular University, it’s the time to get admission in that University. Good-ness Education group collects all the required certificates from the student, verifies it carefully and submits it to the university along with the application form so that the student gets admission in the university.

Application Process

After the student is described about the course, country and the university, it’s time to fill in the application form for the admission. Application forms are handed over to the students which are to be filled by themselves. Once the form is filled, it is submitted to the university. The university officials go through the form and give the admission to the students as the form would be verified by the experts of Good-ness Education Group admission team members, before it is submitted to the university.


Scholarshipss are really helpful to the students who wish to study in a foreign country, because it makes the foreign education very affordable and also helps them to choose the best university. Good-ness Education group is always there to ensure that the students get the maximum waiver of fees, so it always helps the student to get the maximum scholarship that they can. We guide the students in preparing for the scholarship exams, so that they can be financially benefitted. It is scholarships which enables the students to choose the right university and the country.

Student VISA Processing

We are very well experienced in visa documentation for all countries. We provide proper guidance to obtain visa. Proper documentation is one of the main parts in the visa processing. With our years of experience, we are always updated with the latest news and happenings in the changes in visa policies. So we assure, we will provide constant quality support while rendering our services and our success rate is high.


Good-ness Education Group has a good understanding with the colleges and universities. We keep in regular touch with the college and university officials. Also South Indian and North Indian food is provided in the hostel for Indian students. This makes students happy and makes them to concentrate more on to studies, as a healthy mind makes everyone to concentrate on the duties that they have to perform. Hence all the students taking admission through us get a very good accommodation and food as well.

Before the Departure

Also there is a pre departure briefing conducted in the offices of Good-ness Education Group to make aware all the students about the weather conditions and the culture in the concerned country, so that the student gets full awareness about the location and the life style out there, so that they can easily adjust there.

After Landing at the Destination

Good-ness Education Group send its staffs along with the student to the college where they get admission. Once the student reaches the foreign country, our staffs accompany them to the college and hostel. Also our staff introduce the students with the mess and other facilities available, like the library, sports facilities etc. We also coordinate an outing trip to the nearby places, so that the student gets a small idea about the location and the culture out there.

MCI Coaching

The Medical Council of India (MCI) is a statutory body with the responsibility of establishing and maintaining high standards of medical education and recognition of medical qualifications in India. It registers doctors to practice in India, in order to protect and promote the health and safety of the public by ensuring proper standards in the practice of medicine. Good-ness Education Group provides the MCI coaching for all the MBBS students whoever has passed MBBS course in a foreign country.